Is a sore throat a symptom of coronavirus?

Is a sore throat a symptom of coronavirus?
When a new disease like COVID-19 breaks out, labs work tirelessly to find out as much as they can about it in order to find a cure or vaccine. However, even years later, there’s still a lot of information around coronavirus that is unclear. Scientists are still studying data to learn more about the long-term effects of coronavirus after an infection.
Read on to find out the most common symptoms that appear in a high percentage of cases as well as the more unusual ones. It’s worth noting that, in some cases, no symptoms are present at all.
What are the signs and symptoms of coronavirus?
The main symptoms that both the government and the NHS recommend to look out for include a high temperature, a new and/or continuous cough and a loss or change to your smell and taste senses[1].
To see if you have a high temperature above 38℃, you don’t necessarily need to measure your body’s temperature with a thermometer[2]. Touch your chest or back and see if the area is hot to touch. You could also get someone else to do this.
A new and/or continuous cough means coughing frequently for over an hour or having three or more coughing fits in 24 hours. It will likely be a dry cough as opposed to a chesty cough.
Finally, a loss or change to your taste or smell is a symptom that was discovered after research during the pandemic. Some people who have had the virus state that they can hardly taste anything at all. You may also notice that things smell or taste different.
It’s recommended that you call 111 if you have any of the above symptoms. They will ask you some questions about how you’re feeling, before giving advice on what needs to be done and help you to get a test if you need one.
Other symptoms may include chills, a headache, aches and pains, a sore throat, a runny or blocked nose, nausea or diarrhoea, though these are less common[1].
Is a cough a symptom of coronavirus?
Coughs can often be a sign of a cold or the flu so it may be hard to know whether these illnesses are the cause or whether coronavirus is to blame. How often you’re coughing as well as the type of cough you have can help you to determine this.
A cough is one of the most common symptoms associated with the coronavirus and this is because the virus affects the lungs more than any other part of the body. Dr. Laura Evans has stated that the patients who are most severely affected by the disease contract acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This is where damage is caused to the lungs, which causes fluid to leak out of the small blood vessels inside this organ. As this fluid gathers, it makes it much harder to breathe and, in some cases, can cause permanent damage[3].
The cough associated with COVID-19 is dry and persistent. Over half of infected people who know they have been infected have said they experienced this symptom, while around 30 per cent recorded a mucousy, or wet, cough[1].
Does coronavirus start with a sore throat?
It’s important to determine whether you have coronavirus as soon as your symptoms start so you can begin the self-isolating process and ensure no one else around you or in your household contracts it.
A sore throat is a common ailment that can be caused by all sorts of things and not just coronavirus[4]. It can be a symptom of hay fever or other allergies, dehydration, acid reflux as well as viral and bacterial infections, such as cold or flu. This means it can be hard to determine the exact cause and, therefore, how to cure it.
According to Health, a sore throat only occurs in around 10 per cent of coronavirus cases. This means that you’re not likely to have the virus if you have a sore throat. However, if this symptom is accompanied by a dry cough, a temperature or loss of taste/smell, then there is a chance you may have the virus and you should dial 111.
It’s unlikely that you have COVID-19 if you have a sore throat with no other symptoms.
How to get rid of a sore throat quickly
Whether your sore throat is linked to coronavirus or not, there are some things you can do at home to soothe it.
You can try using an anaesthetic throat spray. These can be sprayed directly into the throat to numb the area and provide fast pain relief. They’re available to purchase from most pharmacies and drugstores. However, it’s advised that you don’t use this product if you’re having trouble breathing.
For mucus coughs accompanied by a sore throat, you can try gargling salt water. Doing this pulls the mucus out of the inflamed tissue in your throat and may help to ease this symptom. Simply add half a teaspoon of salt to a small glass of water and gargle for up to 30 seconds. Repeat this a few times a day[1].
A dry throat can often cause pain so sometimes the area just needs some natural soothing. This can be done by drinking tea sweetened with honey. The tea keeps you hydrated and, depending on the tea you choose, could have other benefits as well. For instance, green tea naturally relieves pain and reduces inflammation[5].
[5] Ohishi, Tomokazu et al. “Anti-inflammatory Action of Green Tea.” Anti-inflammatory & anti-allergy agents in medicinal chemistry vol. 15,2 (2016): 74-90. doi:10.2174/1871523015666160915154443