Sore throats and glandular fever

Sore throats and glandular fever
A sore throat can really put a downer on your day, making it difficult to eat, drink and even talk. One potential cause of a sore throat is glandular fever – a type of viral infection that mostly affects young adults[1]. Let’s look at how that works in more detail.
Do you get a sore throat with glandular fever?
A severe sore throat is one of the main symptoms of glandular fever. Others include a high temperature or fever, swollen glands on either side of your neck, and fatigue or exhaustion. However, having these symptoms doesn’t guarantee that what you have is glandular fever[1].
A number of throat infections can provoke similar symptoms, so it’s easy to confuse them[2]. Without a diagnosis, it’s best not to assume that it’s glandular fever. Although easing the symptoms may help with other throat infections, there may be an alternative treatment.
If you suspect you have glandular fever, it’s best to contact a medical professional. They can assess your symptoms to give you a proper diagnosis. Usually, people don’t get glandular fever more than once[3]. If you’ve had it before, it’s especially important to consider other causes for your sore throat.
How long does a sore throat last with glandular fever?
Glandular fever doesn’t have a cure, but don’t worry – it will get better on its own. Your body just needs time to produce an immune response. Most people with glandular fever find that their sore throat starts to feel better after two to three weeks. Other symptoms, particularly tiredness or fatigue, might last longer. It’s possible that you may continue to feel fatigued months after your infection[3].
If your sore throat lasts longer than three weeks, something might be holding back your recovery. Consult a medical professional to get advice on what you should do. If any of your other symptoms are hanging around, mention those too.
How to get rid of a sore throat that’s caused by glandular fever
Treating a sore throat that’s caused by glandular fever is much like treating any other sore throat. Since it is a viral infection and not a bacterial one, you won’t be prescribed antibiotics by a doctor as they won’t work. Instead, they may advise you to treat the symptoms while your body fights off the infection itself.
It’s important to stay well hydrated during glandular fever, as this will help your immune system to fight off the infection. It can also lubricate your throat to help reduce pain and inflammation from the sore throat, which might make it easier for you to eat and drink[2]. Additionally, it will help to prevent the onset of other symptoms, such as headaches from dehydration.
Using an effective throat spray to soothe the affected area might also help to relieve your sore throat. Ultra Chloraseptic’s throat spray contains a numbing agent that can help to reduce pain and ease sore throat symptoms.
Getting plenty of rest can also help speed up your recovery – or at least help to ease some of the symptoms. Your immune system is working hard to protect you against the glandular fever virus, which causes fatigue. Giving yourself enough time to rest and recover can help you get better quicker – so your sore throat goes away sooner.
Finally, you may find painkillers can help to reduce inflammation and pain in your throat. Painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen are available without prescription[4]. They may ease your symptoms so you can get on with eating and drinking as normal until the infection ends.